Emmanuel Adegor
3 min readJun 13, 2017


Hey ya! Today We’ll have a quick overview of Html5 MathMl, What it is and is not, Some Equations its capable of representing and some working Examples(codeblocks).

Now let’s get started. (For accurate display, update your browser to its latest version) and save file in .html extension


According to w3c,

MathML is intended to facilitate the use and re-use of mathematical and scientific content on the Web, and for other applications such as computer algebra systems, print typesetting, and voice synthesis

also according to drillster

MathML is an XML-based language for describing mathematical notation

According to Me:

MathMl is Complex Mathematics Formular/Equation Visual representation made Easy

Luckily The HTML syntax of HTML5 allows for MathML elements to be used inside a document using <math>…</math> tags.

What it is:

  • MathML is a low-level format for describing mathematics as a basis for machine to machine communication
  • MathML is intended handling by specialized authoring tools such as equation editors
  • MathMl is very meaningful to many applications

What it is not:

  • MathML is not intended for editing by hand
  • MathMl is not a Calculator tool for Solving Complex Mathematics Equations
  • MathMl is not a programming Language

Some Equations its capable of representing:

  • Matrix
  • Partial Differential Equation
  • Chemical Reaction Equations


Let’s do a simple [3x4] Matrix Representation:

<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>MathML Examples</title>
<math><!--start tag of the whole representation-->

<mrow> <!--used to group sub expression of <mi> & <mo> -->
<mi>A</mi> <!--MathML identifier-->
<mo>=</mo><!-- MathML operator-->

<mfenced open="[" close="]"> <!--matrix would be fenced with []-->

<mtable> <!--open tag, similar to Html5 <table> -->
<mtr> <!-- simlar to Html5 <tr> -->
<mtd><mi>a</mi></mtd><!-- simlar to Html5 <td> -->

</mtable><!-- close tag of MathML table -->

</mfenced><!-- close tag of fenced square brackets-->
</mrow><!-- close tag of MathML Row -->
</math><!-- close tag of Math tag-->

Disclaimer: You could fence your matrix also by using parenthesis.

Another Example (Chemical Equation):

<math xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML">
<mn>4</mn><!-- Mathml numeric literal -->
<msub> <!-- MathML subscript -->

OopsY! with this you could start writing codes for some cool Mathematical Equation/Formular Visual Representation.

For a list of all MathMl syntax You could visit here

For any question comment Below!

Emmanuel Adegor

Principal Software Engineer/Architect ( M365 SharePoint | Teams | SPFX ) | Collaboration Platforms | Workflow Automation Expert